It isolates turbidity, chromaticity, mud, SS, and organ ic/inorganic matters from the
surface water collected from a river or a lake, using the gravity-sedimentati on technique.
It filters the water and produces indu strial water. This is the raw water purification
system. It induces raw water into the clarifier and then, oxidi zes and removes
N-S compound COD. In addition, it oxides, dissolves, and reacts N-S compounds
with Na NO2, and then, removes Cz2+, dissolved heavy meta ls, and SS at the same time.
In addition, by injecting polymer, it helps effective precipitation.
At this time, fluorine, which is made as floc, and heavy metal com pounds are isolated
with gravity. The sludge which is precipitated at the bottom is moved
to brthe thicken er to be concentrated. And some of it is re-circulated at the bottom of
clarifier, which prevents sludge stopping. It passes through the COD removal process,
maintains ph at neutral, and then, re-produces indu strial water.
Gravity filter filters raw water, which is primarily filtered by a clarifier, by use of the
gravity-sedimentation technique.
It induces raw water, which has passed through the reaction and the
neutralization step, condenses, and isolates primary organic and inorganic matters.
This is for chemical injection by step that is necessary for chemical treatment
with ALUM, NaOH, or polymer.